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2006年12月22日 星期五
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2006-12-22]


 Words   Definitions

 1.Advent  A.a type of gum from a tree, used as incense, one of the gifts the three wise men gave Jesus on his birthday

 2.Boxing Day B.a yellow precious metal, one of the gifts the three wise men gave Jesus on his birthday

 3.Christmas carols C.the weekday after Christmas Day

 4.Frankincense  D.a play performed at Christmas based on the birth of Jesus

 5.Gold  E.a large deer with branched antlers

 6.Myrrh F.glittering metallic substance in strips for decorating Christmas trees

 7.Nativity play G.the period (with four Sundays)before Christmas

 8.Reindeer H.Father Christmas

 9.Santa Claus I.religious songs or popular hymns sung at Christmas

 10.Tinsel J.a type of gum obtained from shrubs used for making incense or perfumes, one of the gifts the three wise men gave Jesus on his birthday

 (答案: 1.G 基督降臨節 2.C 節禮日 3.I 聖誕頌歌 4.A 乳香 5.B 黃金 6.J 沒藥 7.D 基督誕生劇 8.E 馴鹿 9.H 聖誕老人 10.F 裝飾用光片)

 有關Boxing Day名稱之來源,自中世紀大約800多年前,教堂在這天打開救濟箱 (alms boxes),把獻金分給貧苦大眾,故曰Boxing Day。

 (上周「考考你」答案:make a noise, do shopping, make a mess, make a telephone call, do housework, do your hair, make the beds, do a job, make a promise, do someone a favour )  ■韓SIR

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