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2007年2月9日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

語文雙聲道:是 Hot 還是 cold ?

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-02-09]

  試用"hot" 或"cold"填入下列各句的空格內:

 1. Jack is a _______ -blooded guy who easily flies into a rage at the slightest provocation.

 2. The terrorists are so _______ -blooded that they kill even innocent people without mercy.

 3. Don't pour ______ water on Peter's plan ! He has spent a whole week preparing it for us.

 4. Be careful not to get into _______ water ! Your criticism might be regarded as slander.

 5. He's really _______ stuff at hockey !

 6. She's giving him the _______ shoulder and avoids him like the plague.

 7. Most teachers are ________ and bothered due to the excessive amount of work.

 8. The education reform issue is an educational _______ potato.

 9. The proposal has been put into ______ storage because they lack the resources to implement it.

 10. He got ______ feet at the last minute and decided to withdraw from the competition.

 題一的 hot-blooded 和題二的 cold-blooded 是有趣的對比:cold-blooded「冷血」必然是貶詞,但要留意hot-blooded可以解作「熱情」或「易激動」,不一定是褒詞。 題三的 pour cold water有貼切的中譯「潑冷水」,題四的get into hot water 指「惹來麻煩」也許可用「跳進熱鍋」。題五的 hot stuff 是俚語,意思是「一流好手」。

 題六的 give somebody cold shoulder 指「冷落某人」。 題七的 hot and bothered 意思是「煩躁不安」,題八的 hot potato解作「棘手難事」。題九的 put into cold storage 比喻將計劃「擱置」。題十的 get cold feet 是「臨陣退縮」之意。

 希望大家繼續努力學英文,不要"blow hot and cold"「優柔寡斷」,雖然難關重重,也要勇往直前!  ■韓Sir

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