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2007年3月2日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

語文雙聲道:是 right 還是 wrong?

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-03-02]

 試用 “right” 或 “wrong” 填入下列各句空格內:

 They have caught him on the ______ foot ; he simply cannot answer the question.

 He's not in his ______ mind to say something like that !

 If you say that, you are barking up the ______ tree.

 He seems to have got out of bed on the ______ side today ; he's so grouchy all the time!

 Let's hope that he has his heart in the ______ place and starts doing some good for the people.

 You are backing the ______ horse, he's not the right man for the job !

 He told his secretary that he wanted the document typed ______ away.

 All ______ -minded people will be shocked by such terrorist attacks.

  題一的 to catch somebody on the wrong foot 指乘某人不備,突然出手使其不知所措,令他不知如何應對。

 題二的 not to be in one's right mind 指某人精神不正常或神智不清,所以說錯了話。

 題三的 to bark up the wrong tree 指把事情搞錯,或是錯怪了某人。

 題四的 to have got out of bed on the wrong side指整天情緒惡劣,不斷發牢騷。

 題五的 to have one's heart in the right place 指某人懷有善意和真情,希望他能為大眾謀福。

 題六的 to back the wrong horse 指下錯了賭注,不應支持某人卻作了錯誤的選擇。

 題七的 to do something right away 指立即行動。

 題八的 right-minded people 指見解正確或有正義的人,當然不會支持恐怖分子所作所為。

 Right or Wrong ?孰是孰非?有時候事實的真相(the rights and wrongs of something)是需要多方面觀察、小心分析、不斷反思,才能作出正確的判斷。 ■資深英文老師 韓Sir

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