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2007年5月21日 星期一
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禮樂之邦 Ancient Chinese Civilization

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-05-21]


Bronze divine creature

春秋 (Spring and Autumn period,770BC - 476BC)

河南博物院藏(Henan Museum collection)


  With a dragon's head, a tiger's body and a tortoise's feet, this divine creature is full of mystery. The dragon's head is portrayed opening its mouth with its tongue sticking out. There are six small dragons coiled around each other forming a crown on its head. The bronze divine creature integrates the shapes of a dragon, tiger and tortoise into one body. The delicate and exquisite craftsmanship as well as the magnificent and luxuriant decoration illustrate the social custom during the Spring and Autumn period of spirit and wizard worship as well as the belief in ghosts and monsters.

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