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2007年5月30日 星期三
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虛白齋藏  Xuibaizhai Collection

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-05-30]

奇峰開葉圖 The grotesque mountain peaks

龔賢(Gong Xian,1619 – 1689)

水墨設色紙本立軸(Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper)


 Gong Xian was a native of Kunshan, Jiangsu province. His landscape style incorporated the merits of various old masters. He further developed the jimo (ink-piling) technique and painted landscapes with layers of dense yet translucent brushstrokes and soft, mottled ink dots which give his paintings the effect of chiaroscuro and a sense of vigorous substantiality. Like Fan Qi , he was a member of the“Eight Masters of the Jinling School”.  資料:香港藝術館

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