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2007年11月6日 星期二
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世界文明瑰寶 Treasures of the World's Cultures

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-11-06]

安提諾烏斯半身像 Bust of Antinous

2世紀 羅馬帝國時期 2nd century, Roman

意大利 羅馬 賈尼庫蘭山丘 Janiculan Hill, Rome, Italy

白色大理石 Parian Marble


 Court-artists created an official image of Antinous, based mostly on Classical Greek statues of gods combined with individual, though highly idealised portrait features. This bust shows his head slightly inclined and turned to the left, his smooth face sensuous and with full lips. His coiffure is made up of a lively mass of long locks of hair, around which he wears a wreath of ivy, an attribute of the god Dionysos. The head in fact once belonged to a statue showing Antinous in the guise of this deity, and was only set into a bust in the 18th century. ■資料:香港藝術館

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