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2007年11月15日 星期四
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英語世界:差之毫厘 謬以千里

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-11-15]

韓Sir 資深英語教師

 本港考評局於本年度的考試報告中提及考生所犯的錯誤,其中一類是考生誤用字彙的情況,舉例之一是 “principal” (校長) 和 “principle” (原則) 。



1. I saw my teacher dying/dyeing in the classroom.

 老師是 “dying” (奄奄一息) 還是 “dyeing” (用顏料染色) ?可不是鬧著玩的!

2. The swimmer was swept away by the currant/current.

 泳客被 “currant” (葡萄乾) 沖走了?應該是 “current” (水流) 吧!

3. The teacher bought/brought ten children to the museum.

 老師買了十個孩子?不要嚇死人!是帶了十個孩子去博物館。又是一字母之差:“bought” 是買,是“buy”的過去式;“brought”是帶,是“bring”的過去式!

4. Swimming is a healthy form of exercise/exorcise.

 游泳是健康有益的鍛煉,是 “exercise”,切勿寫成 “exorcise”:驅魔!

5. The citizens are always prayed/preyed on by the triads.

 市民經常成為黑社會的獵物,是 “preyed on” 而非 “prayed” (祈禱)。黑社會不會為你祈禱吧?


6. Premiere/Premier Wen Jiabo urged the Japanese leaders not to visit Yasukuni Shrine.

 溫家寶總理勸喻日本國家領導人不要到靖國神社參拜。可不要把總理 “Premier”寫成“Premiere”,多了一個“e”,便變成首次公演了!


 1. The decline of moral/morale standards has led to an increase in serious crimes.

 2. We still have many alliterate/illiterate people in the world.

 3. John sat beside/besides Peter in the classroom.

 4. The sand on that beach is very coarse/course.

 5. Before you sign any contract, make a few discreet/discrete enquiries first.

 6. It really got her dander/gander up when people accused her of being dishonest.

 7. The naval/navel power of a country enables its expansion of territories.

 8. Christians believe that their soles/souls live on after they die.

 (Key : 1.moral 2.illiterate 3.beside 4.coarse  5.discreet 6.dander 7.naval 8.souls)

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