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2007年11月15日 星期四
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世界文明瑰寶 Treasures of the World's Cultures

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-11-15]

 馴鷹者圖 A falconer

 約1580年, 薩非王朝,  c. 1580, Safavid Dynasty

 伊朗 加茲溫 Qazvin, Iran

 紙上不透明水彩、黃金 Opaque watercolour and gold on paper


 Falconry, known in Arabic as "the flying hunt", enjoyed high status inIran, Turkey, and the Arab lands. While black-eyed, high-flying goshawks were the most valuable falcons, yellow-eyed fist-hawks like the one in this painting were trained for low flying at quail and partridge. Once trained, falcons were fitted with bells, as seen here. In the last quarter of the 16th century single-page paintings and drawings for inclusion in albums became increasingly popular as the patronage of paintings extended beyond royal circles in Iran.  ■資料:香港藝術館

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