花旗銀行銅招牌 Brass Signage of the National City Bank of New York
花旗銀行創辦於清光緒二十七年(1901年),總行設於紐約,註冊資本300萬美元。1902年1月1日在上海設立分行,是最早進入中國的美國銀行,其後陸續開辦香港、廣州、北京、漢口、天津和哈爾濱分行。1927年,花旗銀行與紐約國民城市銀行正式合併,英文名稱改為“The National City Bank of New York”。中文名稱仍沿用花旗銀行,其行名源於民間對美國國旗的稱呼。該花旗銀行招牌銅質,兩面皆有文字,包括花旗銀行的中文行名和銀行合併後的英文行名。
Founded in 1901 and headquartered in New York, the International Banking Corporation became the first American-funded financial institution in China when it set up its branch in Shanghai on 1 January 1902. With registered capital of US$ 3 million, the bank went on to open branch offices in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Beijing, Hankou, Tianjin and Harbin. In 1927, the International Banking Corporation merged with the National City Bank of New York and adopted the latter's name, while retaining its original Chinese name, as it originated from a common reference to the American flag. Made of brass, this signage displays the bank's Chinese name and its English name after the merger. ■資料:香港歷史博物館