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2008年4月17日 星期四
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從錢莊到銀行 The Development of Banks

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-04-17]

香港上海匯豐銀行油畫 Oil painting of the HSBC headquarters



 Hong Kong held many festivities to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953, and the oil painting on display here portrays the celebratory decorations that adorned HSBC's headquarters in Central. A structure was set up on the roof to simulate the crown and bearing the royal cipher (the Queen's initials). The walls were girdled with light bulbs, which made the building an exceptionally glamorous sight at night. This painting is by artist Lee Byng, who had returned to Hong Kong in 1930 after studying overseas to become an important member of Hong Kong's western painting circle in the mid-20th century. Lee painted with a realistic and practical touch, and his works portraying Hong Kong are particularly well known and widely recognised. ■資料:香港歷史博物館

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