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2008年10月23日 星期四
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英語世界:Turning Crises into Opportunities

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-10-23]

韓 Sir 資深英語教師

 香港特區剛宣布的2008至2009年「施政報告」,以「迎接新挑戰」命名, 際此全球金融海嘯肆虐、人心惶惶的大環境中,報告內「轉危為機」的訊息,益發顯得重要。今天推介一些有關「危」和「機」的引語(Quotes)給讀者,與大家共勉。



 “ When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters - one represents danger and one represents opportunity. . . Along with danger, crisis is represented by opportunity.”

 「Crisis 的中文是危機,是由兩個字組成的:危和機。『危』是危險,而『機』是機遇。有『危』必有『機』也。」



 “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity ; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”


政府須當機立斷 不能耽擱

 當然,樂觀是面對困境時應採取的態度,但是,今天我們所面對的全球經濟衰退大危機,則並非只靠一個人的力量或是樂觀態度可以消弭的。我們的政府是必須當機立斷,不能再耽擱了。美國企業家奇安(Victor Kiam) 這樣說:

 “Procrastination is opportunity's assassin.”

 「 耽擱是機遇的行刺者。」

 政府領導人可以怎樣協助人民呢?美國第28屆總統威爾信 (Woodrow Wilson)有這種看法:

 “ There can be no equality or opportunity if men and women and children be not shielded in their lives from the consequences of great industrial and social processes which they cannot alter, control, or singly cope with.”


 也許特區政府要認真考慮怎樣救市民於水深火熱中,「轉危為機」,迎接新挑戰,發展經濟貿易外,要以民為本,才能真正為人民創造重生的機會。身處危機,老百姓怎樣面對呢?前越南總統何志明 (Ho Chi Minh)說得很好:

 “ Remember, the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability. ”


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