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2014年1月15日 星期三
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社評雙語道:冷血虐貓當重判 動物保護需加強


■流浪貓「小美」(前)失去尾巴,「小儀」(後)則失去右耳。 資料圖片




Cold-blooded cat abuse should be heavily punished and animal protection strengthened

On 2 Jan, two men were heavily sentenced by the court to imprisonment for 16 months for abusing and causing the death of a stray cat. They kicked the stray cat around like a football, which left the cat bleeding from the mouth and nose, and paralysed on both legs. Eventually the cat had to be euthanized due to maximal injuries. In giving the sentence, the magistrate denounced the two men as cruel and lack of a heart of compassion. The heavy sentencing of the cat abusers by the court sends a deterrent message. It indicates to the public that the lives of animals deserve the same respect and protection, and that abusing animals for fun and thrill will definitely be punished severely by the law. The sentence also reminds Hong Kong society that it has to raise its awareness of animal protection and to give greater protection to animal rights. People should know that only by actively creating an animal-friendly environment can Hong Kong nourish a highly moral and civilised culture that matches its image as an international city.

According to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance, the maximum penalty for cruelty to animals is a fine of HK$200,000 and imprisonment for 3 years. However, convicts in the past were mostly sentenced to just a fine or community service order. The 16-month imprisonment sentence in this case is a surprisingly heavy penalty. The court obviously wants to deter the general public from doing the same and to tell people not to take animal abuse lightly. The sentence makes people understand that cruelty to animals is a shameful and cold-blooded act. It also brings out the positive message that lives of animals also deserve respect and protection, the life of a stray cat is of no exception.

As an international city that upholds the rule of law and a civilized lifestyle, Hong Kong should learn to be aware of animal protection from other advanced societies. The existing Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance should be timely reviewed and amended, and animal protection can be improved through stronger law enforcement and heavier sentencing. By strengthening the promotion of animal rights, Hong Kong will then create an environment in which humans and animals can live in harmony. This reveals the bright side of humanity in society, and shows that Hong Kong is a place where kindness and love are given equally to all, both humans and animals.■Translation by Tung-ming

[ tungming23@gmail.com ](節自香港《文匯報》2014年1月3日)


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