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2007年12月6日 星期四
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

英語世界:先後有序 排列成對

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-12-06]

韓Sir 資深英語教師


 例一:“Could you pass me some salt and pepper, please ?”

 “salt and pepper”,鹽與胡椒粉,不能說成 “pepper and salt”!

 例二:I like my coffee with cream and sugar.

 “cream and sugar”,奶和糖,無論您喝咖啡時先加糖或奶,說或寫這詞語時,“cream”是永遠走在“sugar”之前的。

 例三:Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to propose a toast.

 在任何場合,要講話給在場人士聽,必然是 “ladies” first, “gentlemen” 在後。

 例四:“ I now pronounce you man and wife.”

 在婚禮儀式結束前,神父對新人說的是“man and wife”,縱使婦解分子認為這種說法有歧視女性成份,我們也從來沒有聽神父說“wife and man” ,或“woman and husband "。

 例五:This is a matter of life and death.



 1.Most companies post their _____ and _____ statements at the end of the financial year. (profit, loss)

 2.They had a lot of _____ and _____ in the party. ( games, fun )

 3.This is the department selling _____ and ______ . ( shoes, socks )

 4.They serve _____ and _____ before the main course. ( cheese, wine )

 5.The children usually have _____ and _____ for breakfast. ( eggs, ham )

 6.We all experience _____ and _____ in our lives. ( ups, downs )

 7.They want to hunt down the terrorists, _____ or _____. ( alive, dead )

 8.Mom has washed all the _____ and _____ in the kitchen. ( pans, pots )

 ( Key:1.profit and loss 2.fun and games 3.shoes and socks 4.wine and cheese 5.ham and eggs 6.ups and downs 7.dead or alive 8.pots and pans)

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