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2007年12月18日 星期二
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世界文明瑰寶 Treasures of the World's Cultures

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-12-18]

憂鬱 Melancolia

阿爾伯特.杜勒(1471-1528) Albrecht Durer 1514年

版畫 Engraving



 Albrecht Durer of Nuremberg was the first artist to achieve an international status. His fame rests primarily on the immediate popularity and wide dissemination of his sophisticated prints.

 Durer's Melancolia, with its heavily-draped winged figure leaning her chin on her hand in a mood of weary despair and a clutter of instruments lying in a disorderly fashion around her, must be the most written about image in the history of art. Of all Durer's works, it is Melancolia that 20th century writers and commentators have empathised with most. Its significance is connected with the association of melancholy with creative activity.  ■大英博物館館藏

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