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2007年12月18日 星期二
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-12-18]


 .細說洋紫荊:19世紀,一位神父在港島區首次發現洋紫荊。在1908年斷定它是香港獨有的新品種,並以熱愛植物的前港督布力爵士(Sir Henry Blake)的姓氏來命名。洋紫荊在1965年正式被選為香港市花。在1997年回歸後,更成為香港特別行政區區徽的圖案。

Hong Kong Orchid Tree

 The fragrant,deep purplish flowers of the Hong Kong Orchid Tree can be seen from November to March.Although they are very common,do you know how many petals are there in each flower?The answer is five.

 History of Hong Kong Orchid Tree:In the 19th Century,a priest first discovered this species on Hong Kong Island.In 1908 it was determined to be a species new to science.It was named after Sir Henry Blake,then the Governor of Hong Kong and a plant lover.The Hong Kong Orchid Tree was selected as the city flower of Hong Kong in 1965.After the change of sovereignty in 1997,the plant became the regional emblem of the Hong Kong SAR.  ■資料:漁護署

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