• 除了尖刺,它呈隋圓形、扁平而肥厚的莖和枝條,多肉多汁;葉片細小,而且很快脫落;常於夏季開花,秋季結果;果實為紫紅色的漿果,圓錐形,中央凹陷,厚皮多汁,可供人食用,但表面多短刺,切勿胡亂採摘,以免受傷。
• Prickly-pear is covered by sharp,hard thorns which make it difficult to touch.They grow well in warm and dry environments.Sandy soils,like those at the edge of cliffs and beaches,are a suitable habitat.
• Besides the sharp thorns,there are other identification tips.Its oval,flat and thick stems and branches are very fleshy,while the leaves are small and fall off easily.Prickly-pear flowers in summer and fruits in autumn.The fruits are purplish red berries,conical in shape and concave in the middle.They are juicy with thick peels,and also edible.Beware of the short thorns on the surface and so don't try to pick them. ■資料:漁護署