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2008年2月26日 星期二
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-02-26]




Crested Kingfisher

•Crested Kingfishers have sharp black and white crest.The back and head are black,covered with thin white stripes.The neck sides and belly are white.The bills are long and thick,with a light yellow tip and base.Adults are about 40 cm long.

•Crested Kingfishers live in forests near streams or ponds.They usually occur alone and feed mainly on fish.Like other Kingfisher species,this one will patiently stand on branches or rocks waiting for fish to come up to the water surface.

•This is a powerful bird.It flies very rapidly,in straight lines,and lands abruptly.Occasionally Crested Kingfishers make loud,short calls.  ■資料:漁護署

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