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2008年4月3日 星期四
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從錢莊到銀行 The Development of Banks

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-04-03]

麗如銀行股票  Share certificate of the Oriental Bank Corporation


 麗如銀行亦稱東方銀行,於1847年在上海設立代理處,成為上海的第一家外資銀行。麗如銀行英文原名“Oriental Bank”,1851年改名為“Oriental Bank Corporation”,並由英國政府頒給皇家特許狀,准許其在好望角以東任何地區建立機構和經營各種銀行業務。麗如銀行的進入也揭開了近代上海銀行業發展的序幕。上為該行發行的股票,面額25英鎊。

 The opening chapter in the development of modern banking in Shanghai began when the Oriental Bank established an agency in the city in 1847 and became the first foreign-funded bank in China. The bank was granted a royal charter by the British government to set up offices and engage in banking services in any region east of the Cape of Good Hope in 1851, when it changed its name to the Oriental Bank Corporation. This share certificate issued by the bank has a face value of 25 pounds sterling.  ■資料:香港歷史博物館

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