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2008年6月10日 星期二
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HKUST Now a Sci-Tech Cooperation Base

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-06-10]

 The Guangzhou-based Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) Fok Ying Tung Graduate School (the FYT Graduate School) became one of the first in Guangdong province to be named an International Science & Technology Cooperation Base by the Ministry of Science and Technology recently. It will spare no effort in expanding overseas cooperation on bioscience and technology, information science and technology, environmental protection and advanced materials to contribute to the nation's science and technology development.

 Currently there are 60 international science & technology cooperation bases, five of which are based in Guangdong province. Since its establishment in 2006, the FYT Graduate School has used its advantage in the broad collaboration between its professors and their foreign colleagues to set up close cooperation with several universities and research institutes in other countries.

 Now a state-designated international science and technology cooperation base, the Graduate School will push harder the development of cooperation in the above-mentioned research areas, including establishing joint laboratories and a matching personnel exchange system, applications for international cooperation plans and hosting international symposiums.

 In the area of bioscience and technology, the Graduate School's Professor Hanna Xue is preparing for setting up a joint lab with Professor Hanns Mohler of University of Zurich's Pharmacology Institute to develop new medicine as well as conducting pharmacological research with an eye on building up a Chinese traditional medicine quality improvement center based on theories of botanical chemistry, pharmacology and electro-biology.

 At the same time, an ongoing study on neuropsychiatric disorders in collaboration with clinical doctors and researchers at Wurzberg University in Germany is to be further developed at the newly established international collaboration base.

 The Graduate School held a ceremony on May 30 at the Nansha Information Science & Technology Park in Guangzhou to mark the official opening of the International Science & Technology Cooperation Base.

 ■春生 資深翻譯員

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