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2008年6月26日 星期四
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英語世界:Over or Under : 過猶不及 ?

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-06-26]

韓Sir 資深英語教師

 特區副局長 ( Undersecretaries)的資歷和遴選過程事宜鬧得熱烘烘的,究竟他/她們是 under-qualified (資歷不足)還是 over-qualified (資歷過高),在此不便置喙。只想趁機跟大家再談談 under 和 over 這兩個極有用的字首,在英語世界內稱為 “prefix”,這種字首,又稱前綴,置於某些單詞之前,用來增加或改變其意義,很多是把一些單詞變為反義的,如 happy- unhappy,satisfied- dissatisfied,legible (清晰易讀的)- illegible (難以辨認的) 等;一些表達前或後的,如 pre-historic (史前的),post-mortem (事後反思或驗屍) 等;一些表達支持或反對的,如 pro-democracy (支持民主),anti-apartheid (反對種族隔離) 等。

 今天集中介紹 “over” 和 “under”這兩個前綴。請看下列舉例:

 If you overeat, you are likely to become obese.


 She was over-anxious to do her job well.


 Parents should not over-compensate their children for their absences from home by giving them too much pocket money.


 The hospitals are seriously under-financed.


 Schools in Hong Kong are seriously under- staffed.


 Many children in Africa are undernourished.


 考考您能否於下列句子適當填上 “over” 或 “under”:

 Nurses in that hospital complained that they are ___ -worked and ___- paid.

 You are only slightly ___weight ; there is no need for slimness programmes.

 The ____ground car-parks solved the problem of traffic congestion on the road surfaces. Mr. Lee complained that the shop ____-charged him for the camera by $300.

 Hong Kong teachers are ____-loaded with too many non-teaching duties.

 The problems of the ____developed countries will always remain intractable.

 The universities offer many ____ graduate courses for first year students.

 She took an ____dose of sleeping pills and never woke up.


Key : 1. over/under 2. over  3. under 4. over

5. over 6. under 7. under 8. over

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