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2008年7月8日 星期二
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-07-08]




Long Net Stinkhorn

• Looking at this fungus,you might imagine a dark-haired angel,about 20 cm long,wearing a white lace dress.Closer to this“angel”,you will find that it smells very bad.This is because the mucus secretion,originating at the top of the fungus,smells in order to attract insects.By eating the mucus,insects help the fungus to disperse its spores.

• You can see them in grassland areas during sunny periods after rain.

• Long ago edible Long Net Stinkhorns were collected only from the wild and were difficult to find-so they were unavailable to the general public.Now they are widely propagated and marketed as a food. ■資料:漁護署

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