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2008年9月30日 星期二
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馬的文化 The Horse in Chinese Culture

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-09-30]

貼金鎧甲騎士俑 Figurine of rider and horse with gold-leafed armour

唐 Tang dynasty (AD 618 – 907)

乾陵博物館藏 Qianling Museum


 A total of 113 figurines of riders and horses with gold-leafed armour were excavated from the tomb of Li Chongrun, the Crown Prince Yide. Gold-leaf was applied onto the horse's forehead to suggest the high value of its mask. An upright, leaf-shaped gold ornament stands between its ears. The chest guard and body armour of the horse are fused, with rectangular strips of armour carved in neat and compact rows. The lower edge is hemmed with a broad red band, on which floral patterns were painted in colour. This figurine of rider and horse with gold-leafed armour would have been part of the Crown Prince's guard of honour.  ■資料:香港歷史博物館

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