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2008年10月2日 星期四
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英語世界:It's a tainted world : 玷污的世界

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-10-02]

韓Sir 資深英語教師

 毒奶事件越鬧越大,傳媒經常用 “tainted”來指這些含三聚氰胺 (melamine)的奶類食品,今天跟大家談談“tainted”這個字。


 A large number of children in China have been sickened by infant formula or other products tainted with melamine.


 “ Tainted ”是指被玷污,其實也可以用下列說法來報道:

 1.They claimed that most dairy products“contained”melamine.

 2.The Health Centre has found“trace amounts”of melamine in a brand of candies.

 3.The first brand of Chinese milk powder“laced with”melamine was produced by that company.

 4.More and more milk products“contaminated with”melamine have been discovered all over the world.

 5. Parents flocked to hospitals in panic, bringing with them babies who have been fed with milk powder“ poisoned”with melamine.

 第一句的 “contained”,是「含有」,是中性的說法;第二句的“ trace amounts”,意指發現有「微量」,也不必恐慌;第三句的 “laced with”,意思是「摻入」了,可以是無害、也可以是有毒的,讓讀者詮釋;第四句用 “contaminated”,肯定了是「污染」;而第五句的 “poisoned”,則最是明顯,一定指「有毒」、會害死人的意思。

Tainted 也可形容人和事


 1. The scandal tainted the reputation of the CEO. (醜聞敗壞了那總裁的聲譽。)

 2. The taint of corruption has brought down the whole company. (腐敗的聲名拖垮了整間公司。)

 在英語世界內,“tainted” 很常用來形容政客,最近人氣急升的美國共和黨副總統候選人佩林 (Palin) 便被指收受“tainted politician”的捐款。世界各地皆有“tainted politicians”,由收受賄賂至性醜聞種種惡行,比比皆是,也難怪那麼多人都視政治是骯髒的。所以說“tainted politician”,較 “dirty politician”更隱含蔑視之意。

 說起“tainted”,本地最近 一連串的風化案 ,都牽涉教師在內,筆者也不禁深表惋惜,這些“tainted teachers”,較“tainted politicians” 更令人遺憾,究竟問題出在哪兒?也許這個資訊爆炸年代,教育界的焦點放在培育「資優」人才,忽視了道德教育?

 毒奶“tainted milk powder”事件雖然嚴重,必須盡速解決,但這地球的其他“tainted”的人和事,則非一朝一夕可悉數去掉。無論在影藝界、體育界、政界、飲食界或教育界, 都備受 “tainted” 之苦,說一句 : “ It's a tainted world !” 大家也有少許認同感吧?

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