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2008年10月21日 星期二
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馬的文化 The Horse in Chinese Culture

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-10-21]

雙馬金牌飾 Gold ornament featuring a pair of horses

戰國 Warring States Period (公元前475 – 前221年)


Hebei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics


 In the centre of the top part of this gold medallion is the head of an ox. On each side of the ox's horns are creatures with curved bodies holding their heads up high. Below the ox's head, in the centre of the medallion, are two prone horses facing each other. On both sides of the horses are creatures that are also facing each other.

 Deities of an ancient religion of certain Indo-European peoples, the twin horses were commonly venerated by the nomads of the Tochari linguistic family. The Dayuezhi people, who spoke a dialect of the Tochari language, dominated the grasslands of northern China from the pre-Qin period to the early Western Han dynasty. Influenced by these Tochari speakers, implements featuring the twin horses appeared in the state of Yan in northern China. ■資料:香港歷史博物館

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