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2008年10月23日 星期四
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馬的文化 The Horse in Chinese Culture

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-10-23]

翼馬紋鏡 Mirror with winged horse

唐 Tang dynasty (公元618 – 907年)

西安博物院藏 Xian Museum


 This round mirror has a scalloped edge with eight lobes and a round knob in the middle. Two horses decked out in their finery can be seen facing each other and stepping on lotus, seemingly dancing. Above the knob are two flying magpies, one behind the other, each with a sprig of flower in their beaks. Below the knob is a flower. Cloud patterns and flowers alternate with one another in the lobes at the edges. The manufacture of mirrors reached a peak during the Tang dynasty, a reflection of society's affluence at the time. Winged beasts of mythical and religious origins often featured on works of art of the peoples that lived in the ancient Eurasian land mass. In China, bronze ware featuring winged beasts appeared as early as the Eastern Zhou dynasty, suggesting that there is a very long history of cultural exchanges between the Central Plains in China and the Eurasian grasslands.  ■資料:香港歷史博物館

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