上海《英話註解》Yinghua Zhujie (Notes for English) published in Shanghai
1860年 上海市歷史博物館藏 Collection of Shanghai History Museum
To meet the demands of foreign trade, Pidgin English was popular in the historic Lingnan region even before Shanghai and Hong Kong opened as trading ports. Since the opening of the two ports in the mid 19th Century, there had been increasing interaction between Chinese and foreigners. In Shanghai, English readers with pronunciation keys in Shanghainese appeared; whereas in Hong Kong, books were printed with pronunciation keys for English vocabularies in Cantonese. This variation of the English language, with a heavy Chinese accent, had emerged from the Cantonese-speaking Lingnan area. The colloquial Chinese name for it originated from Yangkingpang Creek of Shanghai. ■資料:香港歷史博物館