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社評雙語道:總結強檢經驗 努力達至「清零」 Learn from the experience of compulsory testing and strive for zero infection








( 摘錄自香港《文匯報》社評2020-12-25)


The government carried out its first enforcement action for compulsory testing on 24 December 2020 in Shatin, ordering residents of Ming Yan Lau block of Jat Min Chuen estate to produce a negative test result before they can enter and leave. This is a sign that the government is on the right path, as it demonstrates the government's resolve to strictly implement compulsory testing and to achieve the goal of zero infection in the community. The operation also enhances Hong Kong's ability to fight the pandemic, as the experience gained is an important step towards population-wide mandatory testing and comprehensive lockdown measures. The government should draw lessons from this experience to refine future operations, so that the impact on citizens' daily lives could be reduced.

Earlier in mid-December 2020, a small-scale community outbreak took place at Ming Yan Lau of Jat Min Chuen in Sha Tin. A total of six Covid-19 cases involving four apartment units were linked to the building, with some of them having an unknown source of infection. Consequently, the government set up mobile specimen collection stations at the building from 17-21 December to conduct screening on residents. On 24 December, the authorities followed up with a surprise inspection operation at Ming Yan Lau, cordoning the area temporarily and ordering residents to provide the text message or other relevant proof that shows the result of the Covid-19 test they were ordered to take earlier before they can enter or leave the premise. Those who could not provide proof received warnings and were immediately tested in a nearby site. They also had to stay home until results came back.

Out of necessity to prevent non-compliant residents from leaving early, the operation had to be swift and decisive, and Ming Yan Lau residents were not notified beforehand. But more importantly, this operation also showed that the government is now leaning towards a new approach in which multiple authorities would work together to enforce compulsory screening. Carrying out compulsory testing was no easy task. Housing Society officials had to check through its list of residents and then visit for verification. Health personnel had to carry out the tests on site. Throughout the whole operation, the authorities also had to maintain order. As an example, the Sha Tin District Office, Tin Sum Police Station, the Auxiliary Medical Service, the Hong Kong Housing Society, and other relevant departments were involved during the 24 December surprise inspection. Hong Kong's anti-pandemic effort in the past year has not been as effective as expected, with quite a few errors being identified along the way. It is precisely because the efforts of different government departments lack coordination and precision. The joint-operation on 24 December is a good start to rectify the problem. According to Caspar Tsui Ying-wai, the Secretary for Home Affairs, the goal of this operation was to ensure that all residents of Ming Yan Lau had undergone compulsory tests, and that only then can the area be eventually clear of Covid-19 infection. This demonstrated the authorities' determination in achieving zero infection, and their resolve to mobilise citizens to cooperate with anti-pandemic measures.

Learning from the successes of mainland China, swift and firm actions must be taken immediately in places where Covid-19 cases are found. By locking down the area and conducting compulsory screening, small community outbreaks could usually be stopped in a short period of time. The safety and health of citizens are better protected this way, and people can return to their normal lives sooner. Hong Kong has been battered by four waves of Covid-19 pandemic now, and the day when the pandemic ends still seems to be so far away. This is because necessary measures such as mandatory universal testing and comprehensive community lockdowns were never put in place. The government, enterprises, and citizens are all paying a heavy price as the people's livelihoods and normal economic activities cannot resume. After the operation on Ming Yan Lau on 24 December, the public should understand the simple fact that powering through a short-term pain is better than having to sustain the agony in the long-term.

The surprise inspection operation may cause some inconvenience to the residents, yet most of them did not complain too much. This is because they understand that for the good of both themselves and the community, it is better to cooperate. The government should review the 24 December inspection operation and refine the detailed implementation plans. By doing so, a feasible and smooth mechanism could be set up for future mandatory community screening, thus breaking Covid-19 transmission chains and taking a big step towards zero infection in Hong Kong.

●Jeffrey Tse

