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2007年1月12日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-01-12]


 There are many equipments in the office.

 I can find many informations in the library.

 原來 equipment 和 information 都是 uncountable nouns (沒有複數的名詞),不可以在字尾加‘s’的。應改為 :

 There is much equipment in the office.

 I can find a lot of information in the library.

 其他不可以寫成複數(或通常以單數出現),而令學生犯錯的名詞有:advice, behaviour, chocolate, evidence, furniture, health, homework,knowledge, laughter, police, rubbish, staff, thunder, underwear, work.

  用上列名詞,試做下列練習,提醒自己切勿在這些名詞後加‘s’ :

 I always listen to my teachers' _________ and never allow my __________ to make them feel ashamed. (我經常遵從老師的忠告而從不令他們為我的行為蒙羞。)

 Some dieticians claim that people who eat plenty of ________ may have problems with their _________ . (有營養學家指經常吃大量巧克力的人會令健康出現問題。)

 Calling the _________ and providing ________ are citizens' responsibility. (知會警方和提供證據是市民應盡的責任。)

 The __________ in that shop are very helpful and their hard __________ is praised by everybody. (那間店的員工都樂於助人,而他們辛勞的工作是備受讚賞的。)

 The giant's __________ sounds like __________. (那巨人的笑聲仿似打雷。)

 Hong Kong people produce lots of _________ every day. (港人每天製造大量垃圾。)

 In winter, some people put on thermal _________ to keep warm. (有些人於冬天穿上保暖內衣來禦寒。)

 __________ is power. (知識就是力量。)

(答案:1a,b 2c,h 3p,e 4.s,w 5. l,t 6. r 7. u 8.k )


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