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2007年9月27日 星期四
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英語世界:Two heads are better than one

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-09-27]

韓 Sir 資深英語教師

 看到這則諺語,您會怎樣詮釋呢?美國哥倫比亞大學的社會學教授愛德華烈文(Edward Lehman) 曾用這則諺語測試精神病人的心理狀況。他向病人展示這諺語,然後請他們用圖畫演繹出其意義,發現超過六成的精神病患者都繪了一隻「雙頭」怪獸。烈文教授認為這是因為精神病患者缺乏抽象思維,只能照著說話的本義(literal meaning) 來作直接的詮釋。

一人計短 二人計長

 原來 “Two heads are better than one” 是常用的諺語,指兩人辦事,從長計議,較一人為佳。咱們有一句中文版本:「一人計短、二人計長」,意思完全吻合。

 究竟烈文教授的研究能否正確地驗明受測試者的精神狀態?究竟用諺語作為測試工具又能否建立研究的「信度」和「效度」(reliability and validity) ?這些都曾引起爭論。很明顯的謬誤是用圖畫來表達的方式並不能準確地反映繪者的心理狀況,有創意的人把 “Two heads are better than one” 繪成「雙頭獸」,總不能把他們診斷為患上神經病呀!有幽默感的人把欲參與補選的「陳太」和「葉太」的頭首繪在同一身軀上,象徵集二人之長於一身,不正正表達了 “two heads are better than one” 之深層意義嗎?難道他們有精神病?

Too many cooks spoil the broth

 英語世界內的諺語多的是警世妙句,但亦不乏互相矛盾之處。 “Two heads are better than one” 是否放諸四海而皆準呢?讀者們也許會意見紛紜。且看看這句與它恰恰相反的諺語: “Too many cooks spoil the broth”,中文直譯可以作「人多手腳亂」。英國的某些學校正嘗試於他們的學校設立兩個校長職位,其中一間於伯福郡 (Bedfordshire) 的學校就希望 “Two heads can support each other, reduce their individual stress levels, test out ideas collaboratively and perform more effectively.” 究竟兩位校長能否互相扶持、減低工作壓力、合作試行政策和增加工作效率?還是一山不能藏二虎,互相傾軋,苦了教師?最終 “Too many cooks spoil the broth” ?

 看看下列情境,應該套入 “Two heads are better than one” ,還是 “Too many cooks spoil the broth” ?

 1.“ OK, let's decide who will be the editor of our school’s newsletter, ”the teacher said. “ Peter is very fluent bilingually and John is very experienced in editing. Well, ________. Let's invite both of them to join the editorial board.”

 2.“ OK, let's decide who will be the editor of our school's newsletter, ” the teacher said. “ Peter is very fluent bilingually and John is very experienced in editing. Well, ________. Let's vote and decide which one of them is to be the editor.”


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