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2007年11月6日 星期二
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New Plan to Boost Putonghua Teaching

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-11-06]

春生 資深翻譯員

 The Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) announced on Monday it had passed the Support Scheme to Schools in Using Putonghua as a Medium of Instruction for the Chinese Language Subject, which calls for HK$200 million to be spent on a 4-year pilot scheme that will help 40 primary and secondary schools in the SAR each year to teach Chinese language classes using Putonghua as a medium of instruction on a voluntary basis.

 The committee said the support scheme will benefit some 160 schools in a 4-year span. And SCOLAR Chairman Michael Tien added on Monday that research had shown that, with enough teachers and expert support, a school will find its students’ writing ability improved to the level of “I can write as well as I speak.”

 SCOLAR had carried out a follow-up study of 20 secondary and primary schools since 2003 to learn about the results of using Putonghua as a medium of instruction for the Chinese language subject and concluded the practice could improve the students’Chinese-language writing skill if a school has adequate teaching staff with necessary software, otherwise it would only make things worse.

 Schools interested in trying out can submit applications beginning next March and start teaching Chinese classes in Putonghua when the new academic year begins.

 Tien said using Putonghua as a medium of instruction will eventually become a standard practice, but not all schools are adequately equipped to do it right now and the time is not right to set a schedule for territory-wide implementation of the scheme.

 As for schools applying for a spot in this project, they must satisfy two requirements in addition to having what it takes to do it.

 Tien said he believed the education circle would support the scheme, adding “money is not the top concern…, (carrying this plan out) is not as simple as writing a check and there has to be a support team (for the participating schools).”

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