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2007年11月27日 星期二
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世界文明瑰寶:埃斯奎里寶藏(Esquiline treasure)

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-11-27]

4世紀下半葉 羅馬帝國時期

Second half of the 4th century, Rome

意大利 羅馬 埃斯奎里山

Found at the foot of the Esquiline Hill, Rome, Italy

銀、鍍金 Silver and gilt


 These objects are all from the "Esquiline treasure" found by workmen in 1793 whilst digging at the foot of the Esquiline Hill in Rome. The treasure comprises silver caskets, vessels, plates and ornaments and is one of the largest and most important silver hoards to have survived from Late Antiquity. The treasure was originally owned by an eminent Roman family. The owners would appear to have been Turcius Secundus and Projecta Turcii, who were married from 379 to 383. Projecta's name appears on one of the silver caskets and is famous for its Christian inscription: "Secundus and Projecta, live in Christ".


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