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2008年9月4日 星期四
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-09-04]

甄枝強 香港天文學會


Spots on the sun

 The sun is the nearest and therefore most observed star. The inset SOHO image shows dark spots on the solar surface. These are called sunspots. The solar surface is as hot as 5800 Kelvin (absolute temperature). Sunspots appear dark because they are cooler than the surrounding by as much as 1500 Kelvin. If we can remove a sunspot to the night sky, it would outshine the full moon! The earliest sunspot record is found in The Huainanzi which mentioned a three-legged bird in the sun. It was 1700 years later, when Galelio pointed his telescope at the sun that the West came to know about sunspots. It is interesting to learn that an apothecary, S. H. Schwabe, who discovered the 11-year solar cycle in 1843.Readers are reminded NEVER to look at the sun through a telescope, as doing so will result in unrecoverable damages of the eye.

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