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2008年10月30日 星期四
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-10-30]


Extra-Terrestrial volcanoes

 Of the four Galilean satellites, Io, the one that orbits closest to Jupiter and also the smallest, is the most wonderful object in the Solar System. During Voyager I's Jupiter flyby in 1979, the spacecraft poured in so much data that the people at Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA just couldn't scrutinise them all. A few days later Linda Morabito was processing an image of Io when she suddenly realised what looked like a "plume" jutting out from Io's limb against the dark sky (see small inset). It was later identified as a volcanic eruption. A total of 9 outbursts were counted in all the Io images. What interested scientists most was: all these volcanoes were not erupting lava but sulphur. Io remains the most active Solar System body even today.  ■甄枝強 資深天文愛好者

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