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2010年6月15日 星期二
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-06-15]     我要評論










 ■羅國偉 資深翻譯員

Short People More Prone to Heart Disease

 Short people are 50 percent likelier than tall people to die prematurely of heart disease, researchers reported in a major review of three million people.

 The study showed that women under 1.53 metres and men under 1.65 metres are significantly more prone to cardiovascular or coronary heart problems than women and men taller than 1.66 metres and 1.73 metres, respectively.

 The findings, published in the European Heart Journal, suggest that short stature should be added to the list of known heart disease risk factors alongside obesity, advanced age and high cholesterol levels, the researchers said.

 The link between height and heart conditions has been examined in nearly 2,000 studies from around the world over the last 60 years, but evidence remained contradictory. Scientists in Finland led by Puula Paajanen of the University of Tampere sifted through all this research to see if they could tease out a definitive answer.

 The best approach, they decided, was to compare the shortest group to the tallest group to highlight any differences that might emerge. They focussed on 52 earlier studies, examining more than three million people, that met their criteria for both comparability and high standards.

 One theory is that shorter people have smaller coronary arteries that may become clogged earlier in life, especially when combined with poor nutrition or infections resulting in poor foetal or childhood growth. But recent findings also suggest genes may be a culprit, Paajanen said.

 Short people should not be worried about the new findings, she added. "Height is only one factor that may contribute to heart disease. Whereas people have no control over their height, they can control their weight, lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking and exercise."  ■AFP

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