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美法官苦心演說 祝畢業生遇挫折




「我期望各位遭受不平等對待,你們才會明白公義的價值何在。我希望各位被背叛過,你們才會明白忠誠的重要。很抱歉這樣說,但我希望各位將來被排擠,你們才不會把擁有朋友視作理所當然。」(I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice. I hope that you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty. Sorry to say, but I hope you will be lonely from time to time so that you don't take friends for granted.)


「我期望各位經歷不幸,你們才會意識到生命充滿變數,理解自己的成功非必然,其他人的失敗也非完全咎由自取。」(I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time, so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.)


「每個星期,你們應該給身邊人(母校老師)寫封短箋,不是寫電郵,是實實在在地用紙筆書寫,這只花10分鐘......短箋起首填上老師的名字,寫道:「我在新學校展開新生活。我正在閱讀什麼什麼著作,美式足球或足球練習雖然艱苦,但我樂在其中。感謝你的教誨。」把短箋放入信封,貼上郵票,寄給老師。對於那些不知何故獻身培育中學生的人來說,它的意義非常重大。」(Once a week, you should write a note to someone. Not an email. A note on a piece of paper. It will take you exactly 10 minutes......Dear [fill in the name of a teacher at Cardigan Mountain School].' Say: 'I have started at this new school. We are reading [blank] in English. Football or soccer practice is hard, but I'm enjoying it. Thank you for teaching me.' Put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it and send it....... It will mean a great deal to people who, for reasons most of us cannot contemplate, have dedicated themselves to teaching middle school boys.)■Business Insider網站/Quartz網站

