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Not a pushover/Not put a foot wrong



"There is not a nasty cell in her body, but she is not a pushover." ¡]¦oÅ餺§¹¥þ¨S¦³±j®«²Ó­M¡A¦ý¦o¬O­Ó¤£®e©ö³QÀ»­Ëªº¤H¡^¡C¥y¤¤ªºpushover·N«ä¬O¤@­Ó®e©ö³Q¤H©ºªA»¡ªA¡B«Ü©ö¨ü¤H¼vÅTªº¤H¡A©Î¬O¤@­Ó®e©öÀ»±Ñªº¹ï¤â¡C

I am sure she will change her mind. She is such a pushover.


They finally discovered that the gentle young lady is no pushover.


It won't be an easy game for the team. Their opponent is not a pushover.



The examination is an absolute pushover.



"Having been confronted with the worst news a leader can receive, Ms Ardern has yet to put a foot wrong." ¡]­±¹ï¤@­Ó¹ï»â³S¨Ó»¡¬O³ÌÃaªº®ø®§¡Aªü¼w®¦¨Ã¨S¦³¥Ç¥ô¦ó¿ù»~¡C¡^

put a foot wrong±`¥Î§_©w¦¡

µu»yput a foot wrong¡]½ñ¿ù¸}¡^¡A¨ä¹ê´N¹³¤¤¤åªº¡u¦æ®t½ñ¿ù¡v¡A§Y¬O°µ¿ù¨Æ¡B»¡¿ù¸Ü¡B¥Ç¿ù¡C¤£¹L¡A³o¥yµu»y³q±`¥Î§_©w¦¡¡Anot put a foot wrong¡Bhardly put a foot wrong¡Byet put a foot wrongµ¥¡A¯S§O«ü¦b¤u§@¤W¡A¨C¥ó¨Æ³£°µ±o«Ü¦n¡A¨S¦³®t¦À©Î¿ù»~¡C

The World No. 1 player did not put a foot wrong in the final match. His championship is well-deserved.


Since he became the chairman, he hardly put a foot wrong in the public.


He is an excellent accountant. So far he has never put a foot wrong.


³o­Ó§_©w¦¡ªºnot put a foot wrong¨ä¹ê¦³Æg¬üªº·N«ä¡A»¡¤H¨S¦³¥X¿ù¡A¥ç§Y¬OÆg¥L³B¨Æ±oÅé¡B¦¨¥\¡B³Ç¥X¡CÁֽץΤF not a pushover, yet to put a foot wrong³£¬OÆg½àªü¼w®¦¡A·s¦èÄõ°ê¤º¤Ï¹ïÄÒ¥ç¦b°ê·|»¡".. the prime minister had been outstanding..."´N¬OºÙÆg­º¬Ûªí²{³Ç¥X¡C¡½Lina CHU


