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2007年6月8日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

Sneer, cheer and jeer

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2007-06-08]

 原來「笑」也有不同的說法,同學們經常混淆了sneer, cheer and jeer這幾個和「笑」有關的英文字,正確的用法如下:

 1. You should not sneer at your classmates’efforts to try to speak English.(你不應嘲笑同學想努力說好英文的嘗試。)

 2. Everyone cheered the news that there would be an increase in pay.


 3. The crowd jeered at the football player who pretended to be suffering from cramp.(群眾譏笑足球員假裝抽筋。)

 由微笑 (smile)到開懷大笑 (guffaw)

 再看看這些不同程度和在不同情況下發出的笑聲,把它們適當地填入下列各句中 (每詞只限用一次):

  (A. smiled B. grinned C. giggled D. chuckled E. guffawed F. tittered )

 1. The girls _____ when the teacher tripped over the waste basket in the classroom.

 2. John _____ broadly in response to his classmates’ encouraging applause at the end of the race.

 3. They _____ thunderously after they heard the hilarious jokes.

 4. The audience _____ when the singer sang out of tune in the middle of his performance.

 5. The Queen _____ graciously at the crowd during the parade.

 6. Peter _____ to himself when he was reading the comic strips.

 (Key :1C 2B 3E 4F 5A 6D )

 由微笑 (smile)、低聲輕笑 (chuckle)、吃吃地笑 (giggle)、傻傻地竊笑 (titter)、露齒而笑 (grin)而至開懷大笑 (guffaw),都有不同意思,小心別用錯啊!  ■韓Sir

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