‧ 開闢於1840年代的德忌笠(德己立)街,名稱源自當時的副港督及英軍總司令。
‧ 圖片的左方為娛樂戲院(現娛樂行),右方為著名的安樂園飲冰室(現興瑋大廈)。
‧ 過了威靈頓街,可見不少歷史悠久的花檔。花檔背後的一段德忌笠街與蘭桂坊,為傳統的華人居住區。 時至今日,這一帶已變為「全盤西化」了。
D'Aguilar Street, c. 1952
‧ Constructing in 1840s, named after George Charles D'Aguilar, Lieutenant Governor of Hong Kong.
‧ On the left was the King's Theatre (nowaday's Entertainment Building) and On Lok Yuen Restaurant was on the right(Hing Wai Building).
‧ There were numbers of historical flower stalls at the junction of Wellington Street. After the stalls, accompanied with Lan Kwai Fong were the traditional Chinese residential area. Nowadays it has become a place of leisure and catering with western style.