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2008年3月4日 星期二
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Nude Photos Trigger Mixed Vibes

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-03-04]

 A large-scale opinion poll of thousands of local youths regarding the recent rumpus over some local entertainers' nude photos posted online found 34 percent of them had seen those indecent pictures and their initial reactions varied.

 Of those who saw the nude photos, 34.9 percent said they were shocked and about 20 percent thought the incident was disgusting, but quite a few admitted they felt excited, while some others gloated over the entertainers' misfortune or even felt sexually aroused.

 The organization that conducted the survey pointed out many parents set a bad example for their children by showing a lot of interest in those nude pictures and indirectly tainted their souls.

 The Hyper Earth Rescue Team, a non-profit organization focused on raising the awareness of environmental protection among the younger generation, conducted the poll in late February. Most of the more than 2,800 students interviewed were not yet 18 years old and the boy-girl ratio is 3 to 7.

 Apart from feelings of shock and disgust, the youngsters' initial reactions to the indecent photos also include excitement (7%), gloat (over 5%) and sexual arousal (3%). More alarming is that 46 percent of them said their parents had given them no moral guidance over the matter, while 69 percent had not received any help from their schools. As for those who did get counseling from adults, most of them thought their questions had been answered.

 Nearly 50 percent of the students interviewed said they would not support the stars involved in the scandal any more, while 83 percent wished the media had stopped covering the incident.

 A veteran social worker told Wen Wei Po that she overheard a computer-illiterate parent asking his son to download the nude photos for him, but the latter squarely refused to help him, saying he "wouldn't let such filth pollute his computer." She said the anecdote shows some adults are more lost than adolescents over the incident and urged parents to set a good example.

 ■春生 資深翻譯員

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