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2008年4月8日 星期二
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-04-08]

•辨認四部曲:a. 身體以深褐色為主;b. 擁有一雙漂亮的藍眼睛;c. 翅底帶有深褐色的翅紋和一串奶白色的圓點;d. 翅膀平放時,兩翅尖端相距約8厘米。



Large Faun

•The wingspan of Large Faun is about 8 cm.Its body is a dark reddish brown,and there are dark brown veins and a string of pale dots on the undersides of the wings-looking like a pearl necklace.

•Large Fauns fly slowly and so,if you are patient,you can observe them close up.They usually inhabit sheltered woodland and shrubland and the adult butterflies like to feed on rotting fruits.

•The eggs are spherical,laid in clusters on the leaf.The orange black caterpillars are covered with long white hairs,and they stay together in small groups. 資料:漁護署

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