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2008年9月25日 星期四
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馬的文化 The Horse in Chinese Culture

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2008-09-25]

白陶舞馬俑 White clay figurine of a dancing horse

唐 Tang dynasty (AD 618 – 907)

 陝西歷史博物館藏 Shaanxi History Museum


 Dancing horses made their first appearance during the Wei and Jin period and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. These horses underwent long periods of training to be able to dance to music and put on an entertaining show. During the Tang dynasty, dancing horse performances were grand affairs: one year, the Emperor Xuanzong celebrated his birthday with 100 dancing horses decked out in all their finery. As well as swaying their heads, stamping their hooves and pirouetting to music, these horses even toasted the emperor's health and longevity with wine cups held between their teeth. Other difficult routines included one where strong men lifted up a wooden platform with a horse dancing on it.  ■資料:香港歷史博物物館

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