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2009年1月22日 星期四
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英語世界:Transitive and Intransitive Words

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-01-22]     我要評論

韓 Sir 資深英語教師


 1. The students are discussing about the controversial issue.  (學生在討論那富爭議性的議題。)

 2. The teacher entered into the classroom and greeted with the students.  (老師進入課室後跟學生打招呼。)

 3. The parents demanded for an immediate halt to the policy.   (家長強烈要求立即停止那項政策。)

 4. They approached to the Secretary of Education for more consultation before the implementation of the policy.  (他們接洽教育局長,要求在這項政策推出前作更多諮詢。)

 原來這四句句子內的動詞,discuss、enter、greet、demand和 approach 都是及物動詞 (transitive verbs),是不需要加介詞 (preposition)的。所以第一句要刪掉 about; 第二句要刪去 into 和 with;第三句的 for 和第四句的 to 都是不必加上去的。

及不及物 用前核實


 1. After Mr. Chan reached _____ the U.S. A., he started _____ a new job.  (陳先生到達美國後,開始了新工作。)

 2. They refused to comply _____ the new regulation.  (他們拒絕順從新規則。)

 3. The colours of Mr. Lee's ties always match _____ his shirts.  (李先生的領帶和襯衣經常顏色相配。)

 4. Children have to rely _____ their parents for advice.  (孩子必須依賴家長提供忠告。)

 5. We have to face _____ the biggest challenge in the years to come.  (在未來數年,我們必須面對最大的挑戰。)

 6. The President mentioned ____ the importance of stabilizing the job market during the financial tsunami.  (總統提及在金融海嘯下就業穩定的重要性。)

 7. His parents did not approve _____ bad language in the house.  (他的父母不容許在家裡說髒話。)

 8. They always argue _____ trivial matters.  (他們經常為小事吵鬧。)

 (Key : 1. X,X 2. with 3. X 4. on 5. X  6. X 7. of 8. about )

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