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2009年6月18日 星期四
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Girl of handicapped parents received outstanding student award

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-06-18]     我要評論

The halo effects have always attracted parents to vie for places in elite schools for their children, but these schools do not have a monopoly on excellence in academic or moral standards. Lee Ling-yee, who does not come from a brand name school and who has grown up in a family with handicapped parents, is awarded the honor of being an outstanding student this year for her commitment to community service. Ling-yee won the Ten Model Teenagers Award a few years ago while studying form three; she said jokingly that she once thought it was already the pinnacle of her life. "I always thought that only students from elite schools would be selected outstanding students. I come from a school in the rural area. It is unknown to many people. This award is a token of recognition to my school and to me." she said.

The presentation ceremony of the HKSAR Outstanding Students' Selection Award was held on 13 June. This year eleven students were elected outstanding students. Lee Ling-yee, a form five student from SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tsang Secondary School, stepped on the stage in glory to accept what she called the most important award in her life. After a series of tough interviews and tests, she was selected from a pool of nearly 500 candidates. She gave special thanks to her parents who have supported her unfailingly all through the years. She has always known it very well since she was young that fate should be held in one's own hands.

Ling-yee was born in a not so typical family. Her parents have been suffering from polio from young ages. For them, moving around is possible only with the help of crutches. Despite the handicap, her parents are athletes of the Hong Kong Physically Disabled Sports Association and as members of the Hong Kong team, they won a gold medal in discus in the Asian Games. Ling-yee always regards her parents as role models. She said that her parents insist on training out of home three days a week and that they have never given up when they suffer setbacks in sports and competitions. Inspired by her parents' life attitude, Ling-yee has developed a strong and unyielding character. ■translated by開明

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