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2009年6月18日 星期四
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英語世界:Pandemic Alert Phase 6 & Passive Voice 流感警戒升至六級與被動語態

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-06-18]     我要評論

韓 Sir 資深英語教師


1.Primary schools, kindergartens and nurseries will be closed for two weeks.(小學、幼稚園及幼兒院將會停課兩周。)

2. The Education Bureau has reached an understanding with principals that special arrangements will be made for Primary Five examinations. (教育局與校長們已達成共識,將為小五考試作出特別安排。)

3. Undersecretary for Food and Health Gabriel Leung said a university or a secondary school will be closed only if there is a confirmed infection on campus or in the school's grounds. (食物及衛生局副局長梁卓偉稱,大學或中學只會在校園或校舍內有確診個案才會停課。)

4. Arriving travelers will also be required to complete new health declaration forms from Monday to help officials trace those who may be infected. (周一起,抵港旅客將會被要求填寫新的健康申報表格,以協助官員追蹤可能被傳染的患者。)

5. Travelers will be asked to provide seat numbers on planes and contact information.


 大家可有留意到上列每一句都用了將來式(Future Tense)的被動語態(Passive Voice):句一和句三是 “will be closed”;句二的“will be made”;句四的 “will be required”和句五的 “will be asked”。每一句的結構都是“will be + past participle (過去分詞)”。



 “ Two pedestrians were killed in an accident in Mongkok last night when a minibus collided with a bus, rammed into a crowded pavement and mowed down several pedestrians at a bus-stop. Nine people and the driver were injured. They were all taken to hospital, where a 48-year-old woman and another, aged 25, were certified dead. The minibus driver was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving causing death.”

 新聞內出現了5次被動語態:“were killed”, “were injured”, “were taken”, “were certified ” 和 “was arrested”。這些都是過去式 (Past Tense)的被動語態,跟文首那5句將來式有什麼分別?這次不用 “will be + past participle”,而是用 “was”或 “were + past participle”。



1. Spread in several countries can no longer be traced to clearly-defined chains of human-to-human transmission. Further spread______inevitable. (consider)

2. Nearly 30,000 confirmed cases______in 74 countries since April. (report)

3. The scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic ______. (meet)

4. No previous pandemic______so early or watched so closely, in real-time, right at the very beginning. (detect)

5. Guidance on specific protective and precautionary measures______to ministries of health in all countries. (send)

6. Production of vaccines for seasonal influenza ______soon. (complete)

Key :

1. is considered  2. have been reported  3. have been met 4. has been detected   5.has been sent  6. will be completed

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