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2009年11月25日 星期三
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英語加油站:Messages from Nick Vujicic

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-11-25]     我要評論

 ■力克.胡哲(圖)雖然天生四肢殘缺,但仍積極面對人生,他的精神非常值得我們學習。 資料圖片

Lydia Lui

 Nick Vujicic(pronounced as Voy-a-chich, 力克.胡哲)was born without arms and legs. Doctors said he was never going to walk. He was never going to do anything on his own. But Nick proved them wrong. He now walks and swims. He plays golf and soccer and even surfs! He writes and types with his two toes, brushes teeth and combs on his own. He can get up by himself when he falls on the ground. How does he do all these?

 "It should be impossible for me to get back up. But it's not. I tried one hundred times to get up and if I failed one hundred times, do you think that I am able to get up? No. But if I fail and I try again, and again. For as long as I try, there's always a chance of getting up."

 He has demonstrated how to get up using the strength of his whole body to turn himself around with his forehead as a pivot(n.中心點) in his last visit to Hong Kong. This is the result of his failing and trying again. People may achieve in one way and they achieve with ease. Sometimes we do the same but we do not see the same achievement coming to us. Even if we try hard and we still fail. We start to think maybe we are a failure and always will be-"I am born like this. There's nothing I can do about it." But thinking this way does not necessarily make us a failure that we think we are. This may well just mean we have a different way of achieving. And it is not clear which way it is until we try again and again to find it out. We look at this man and we see a man with no limbs(n.四肢) but this man sees in himself a life with no limits. We look at this man and we exclaim, "he has no arms and legs!" But he adds, "also no worries."

 "People always complain that they can't do this and they can't do that. If we look at our lives and concentrate on things that we don't have or wish to have, that doesn't change the circumstances. The truth is that we have to focus on what we have and make the best out of it."

 This thought penetrated(v.進入) him when he read about how a disabled person had done great things in his fifteen. He wanted to do great things with what he had. He started to realize that he could spend his life moaning(v.抱怨) for not having arms and legs or be thankful for having little feet and two toes. We sometimes give up easily and complain that we can't do something, for instance, the English tests. We wish we were native born English speakers. We are seldom thankful for being born Chinese for the Chinese language is a much more difficult language to learn as a foreign language than the English language. Now Nick would not wish everybody to break their arms and legs to experience his life without limbs but he is happy to live a full life and travel around the world to have thousands and thousands of people coming to listen to his story. For us, we would not wish people to live between two worlds and languages but we can start to appreciate the richness of cultures and perspectives(n.觀點) we gain while enjoying the privilege(n.優待) of knowing Chinese and struggling in learning better English.

 "Life is not always good. Life is not always rosy (adj.美好的). But life is worth living-when you find purpose."

 Learning English is not always good. Learning English is not always rosy. But learning English is worthy-when you find purpose. Do you see a purpose? Will you stop trying if you fail to find one?

Read more about Nick at:


Or listen to his testimony in plain English at:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl58qufXfYk    ■lydialuieng@gmail.com

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