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2010年1月26日 星期二
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科學天地:研人造皮膚代動物 測化妝品敏感反應

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-01-26]     我要評論












 ■資深翻譯員 羅國偉

Technology Aims to Replace Animal Testing

 Technology allowing cosmetic makers to test for allergic reactions to their products without controversial animal trials is in the works and could be in use by next year.

 The technology developed by Hurel Corp., with funding from cosmetics maker L'Oreal, is designed to replace tests on mice and guinea pigs used to predict skin reactions from drugs and cosmetics.

 The device uses laboratory-grown human skin cells to simulate the body's allergic response to foreign chemicals. Preliminary experiments show promise, but rigorous tests are still needed to determine the technology's accuracy.

 The standard method for testing allergic reactions involves applying chemicals to the ears of mice, which are later killed and dissected for study.

 The product from Hurel consists of a glass chip with human skin cells and chemicals that simulate the body's immune system. When a foreign substance is dropped onto the chip, the cells and chemicals interact to mimic the human body's natural allergic response. Regulators there have ordered companies to phase out animal skin testing by 2013.

 L'Oreal has decreased its use of animal testing over the years, but still relies on the technique to test certain new chemicals.

 "I give L'Oreal credit for being willing to explore these types of opportunities," said Dr. Charles Sandusky, of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. "This is the first thing I've ever seen where the immune system is being mimicked without using an animal component."

 Sandusky, a former toxicologist at the Environmental Protection Agency, estimates Hurel's technology, if successfully applied, could eliminate the need for tens of thousands of test animals each year.

 Animal testing can be slow, and many researchers question how well an animal's response to a chemical predicts human reactions.

 By eliminating the time, money and potential inaccuracies associated with animal testing, Chief Executive Robert Freedman estimates Hurel's test could shave $100 million off the roughly $1 billion cost of developing a new drug.  ■AP

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