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2010年2月3日 星期三
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英語加油站:Stick to the Plan I Propose

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-02-03]     我要評論

 ■圖為由High School Musical主演的"Stick to the Status Quo"劇照。網上圖片

Lydia Lui

Student A: You can bet there's just Internet that I am interested to know. But I've got an assignment, it shows my great commitment(n.承諾)and I really feel that's the way to go.

Teacher: Everybody, gather around.

Student A: I do volunteer work(n.phr.自願工作).

Teacher: Cool! What kind of work?

Student A: I help in the protests(n.抗議)outside the Legislative Council(立法會)building.

Teacher: Not another sound.

Teacher: NO, NO, NO. Stick to the plan I propose! If you want to be cool, follow one simple rule─Don't mess with the flow, no no. Stick to the status quo(phr.現狀)!

Student : Look at me and what do you see? Intelligence beyond compare. But inside I am stirring. Something strange is occurring. It's a secret I need to share.

Teacher: Open up, dig way down deep(idiom 了解心聲).

Student B: I've found my way! A different way.

Teacher: Good for you! What is that, my dear genius?

Student B: Farming is my dream job! I love to grow organic(adj.施用有機肥料的)vegetables and lead a simple life.

Teacher: Is that even legal to waste your talent?

Teacher: Not another peep.

Teacher: NO, NO, NO. Stick to the plan I propose! It is better by far, to keep things as they are. Don't mess with the flow, no no. Stick to the status quo!

Student C: Listen well I'm ready to tell about a need that I cannot deny. There're certain explanations for this awesome(adj.令人敬畏的)sensation and I'm ready to tell you why.

Teacher: Speak your mind and you'll be heard.

Student C: I am a writer.

Teacher: Awesome! Where can I see your work?

Student C: On the walls. That's graffiti(n.塗鴉)!

Teacher: Do you write on those in youth centre?

Student C: Yes, also those on the streets.

Teacher: Not another word.

Teacher: NO, NO, NO. Stick to the plan I propose! If you want to be cool, follow one simple rule─Don't mess with the flow, no no. Stick to the status quo!

Teacher and Principal: NO, NO, NO. Stick to the plan I propose! It is better by far, to keep things as they are. Don't mess with the flow, no no. Stick to the status quo!

Principal: This is not what I want. This is not what I planned. And I just got to say I do not understand. Something is really......Something is really wrong.

Principal: And we've got to get things back where they belong.

Teacher and Principal: We can do it.

Student : What's wrong with my way?

Teacher: Stick with what I propose!

Teacher and Principal: We can do it.

Student : Graffiti, hooray(int.好哇、萬歲)!

Teacher: You have to go!

Teacher and Principal: We can do it.

Student : Don't I have a say?

Teacher: Keep your voice down low!

Teacher: Not another peep. No. Not another word. No. Not another sound. No......


Student : ......

 (Adapted from "Stick to the Status Quo" from High School Musical) ■lydialuieng@gmail.com

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