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2010年2月2日 星期二
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新數碼音樂格式 聽歌更新放映三合一

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-02-02]     我要評論










 今年春天,該公司將推出MusicDNA檔案格式的試用版,預計夏季將推出商業零售版本。巴赫科技已與眾多音樂界人士簽署合作計劃,並正與大型唱片公司展開合作商談。  ■路透社 ■羅國偉 資深翻譯員

Tech Group to Launch Digital Music File Successor

 A leading technology company is set to launch a new digital music file format which will embed additional content for fans including lyrics, news updates and images in what could be a successor to the ubiquitous MP3 file.

 The music industry has been hammered by piracy in the last decade and is looking to develop new offerings to entice consumers to buy their music from legitimate sites, instead of taking it from illegal outlets.

 The new proposal, which is called MusicDNA and has the backing of the original MP3 digital music file inventor, would allow fans to download an MP3 file on to their computer, which would carry with it additional content.

 Music labels, bands or retailers could then also send updates to the music file every time they have something new to announce such as the dates of future tours or new interviews.

 The user would receive as little or as much of the information as they want, every time they are online. However anyone who downloads the music file illegally would receive only a static file which would not receive any updates.

 BACH Technology, the group behind the MusicDNA file, says it is looking to partner with retailers, music labels, rights holders and technology companies and is happy to provide its technology for others who could use it under their own brand.

 "We are getting very good feedback and the fact we are looking to include everyone in this, and not competing against them, helps," Chief Executive Stefan Kohlmeyer told Reuters. The music files can play on any MP3 player including Apple's iPod.

 Kohlmeyer said the service would hark back to the time when music fans enjoyed looking at the lyrics and artwork on an album almost as much as they enjoyed listening to the music itself.

 A beta version of the file will be available in spring and a full commercial rollout is expected by summer. BACH has already signed up a host of partners across the industry and is in talks with the major record labels.  ■Reuters

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