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2010年3月25日 星期四
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Girls Go through a Series of Mental Stages as They Take up Compensated Dating

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-03-25]     我要評論

 Sociologists find that most of the teenage girls who choose to be sex workers go through a lengthy period of psychological evolution. Research has discovered a common frame of mind that these girls share. They believe that individual self should not be restrained by social norms and all people are free to do whatever they like. These girls experience 3 mental stages while taking up compensated dating.

 In the first stage, the girls have casual sex. This occurs between the ages of 15 to 20. These girls often look for sex partners(among peers or grown-ups)indiscriminately, hoping to gain care and attention through sexual relationships. When the pleasure of being taken care of gradually diminishes, their motivation of having sex will turn from having fun and excitement to making money.

 In the second stage, the girls take compensated dating as a sideline job and earning additional income becomes the primary motivation of becoming sex workers. However, at this stage they are still restrained by conventional moral standards and they do have social connections in social circles such as the family. During this period, these girls face a list of conflicts in their minds. While engaged in compensated dating activities, they ask themselves questions such as "Should I put aside my dignity and entertain all the requests of various customers?" and "Should I treat compensated dating as a normal full-time job?" etc. Girls who cannot resolve these conflicts can only be regarded as amateur sex workers.

 In the third stage, the girls have found ways to resolve the conflicts in their minds and get totally engaged in their job as sexual workers. Their relationship with the family will go through fundamental changes and some may even give up their family for the sake of compensated dating. Being young is the greatest asset of these girls. The majority of them make most of their money from compensated dating between the ages of 17 to 24. The prime golden time for compensated dating is at the age of 22.■Translation by開明

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