■哈佛大學是聞名全球的老牌大學。 資料圖片
關育健 香港中文大學專業進修學院 語文及翻譯學部導師
文字簡練 用詞多樣
哈佛大學校長Drew Faust在最新一篇演辭《研究論壇:哈佛在中國》中,用了不少漂亮英語,值得讀者細嚼,如"During my last visit, China was on the cusp of the Olympics in Beijing; now you are anticipating a grand international gathering of 70 million expected visitors for Expo 2010 in Shanghai."。校長用了on the cusp of描述08京奧的高峰期,又用了a grand international gathering介紹2010上海世博;文字簡練得體之餘,更顯多樣化。
用列舉法 點出辦學精神
耶魯大學校長Richard C. Lavin在歡迎辭中說:"Yale is indeed well known for the strength of its college, where its 5,200 students learn to lead and serve not only through a strong academic curriculum but also by participation in a host of extracurricular activities......In the diversity of its students, its global outlook, and its outstanding research, it is also a university of compelling change."簡單運用了not only through......but also by,在平凡的「不但……而且」一組連接詞中加了少許變化,生動了不少;而在In the diversity of its students, its global outlook, and its outstanding research的片語中,更用了英語修辭法中的列舉法(Enumeration),不經意地以列舉方式道出耶魯兼收並蓄的辦學精神,直教讀者心嚮往之。